Pmp exam prep 7th edition pdf download torrent

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Torrent name:PMP® Exam Prep 7th Edition - Rita Mulcahy. PDF Seeds:0 Leechers:0 Health: Total size:99. Can you imagine valuing a book so much that you send the author a Thank You letter? Hundreds of thousands of project managers know and understand why PMP Exam Prep is a worldwide best-seller. Years of PMP exam preparation experience, endless hours of ongoing research, interviews with project managers who failed the exam to identify gaps in their knowledge, and a razor-sharp focus on making sure project managers don't waste a single minute of their time studying are THE reasons this books is the best-selling PMP exam preparation guide in the world. PMP Exam Prep, Seventh Edition contains hundreds of updates and improvements from previous editions--including new exercises and sample questions never before in print. Offering hundreds of sample questions, critical time-saving tips plus games and activities available nowhere else, this book will help you pass the PMP exam on your FIRST try. Review After years of managing projects, I did NOT look forward to preparing for the PMP exam. I was convinced the process was going to be tedious and overwhelming, but I was pleasantly surprised when I opened PMP Exam Prep! From the beginning of the book through the end, I actually ENJOYED my study experience reviewing concepts from a different perspective, learning how these concepts might be asked on the exam, and picking up lots of new tips and techniques to use on my real-world projects. This book made the certification process not only fun, but extremely valuable in my day-to-day job. I wish I had found this book earlier in my career! Carkenord, PMP, CBAP, International Training Expert and Founder of B2T Training --Barbara A. During her career, she directly taught tens of thousands of project managers from around the world, and prepared them to pass the PMP exam. Rita helped write earlier versions of the PMP exam, and spent 7 years as a PMI chapter officer, speaking at PMI Global Congress, Project World, and PMI's International Project Management Symposium to standing room only crowds. Rita was the founder of RMC Project Management, a project management training, consulting and speaking firm helping companies use project management tools and techniques to complete projects faster, cheaper, better, and with fewer resources. RMC Project Management is a Registered Education Provider R.

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